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Implied Consent to Post-Arrest Drug & Alcohol Testing in Virginia DUI Cases

The Right Attorney Makes All The Difference
person behind bars

Understanding the Legal Principle

One aspect of Virginia's DUI law that many find confusing is the legal concept of "implied consent." In Virginia, operating a motor vehicle on any highway within the Commonwealth implies that you have agreed to submit to a chemical test to determine the alcohol or drug content of your blood if arrested for a DUI. This is found under § 18.2-268.2 of the Code of Virginia.

Essentially, drivers give advance consent to post-arrest testing. This testing can be crucial in a DUI case, as it helps establish whether a driver was under the influence of drugs or alcohol at the time of the arrest.

The statute specifically mentions that this consent extends to having samples of blood, breath, or both taken if the individual is arrested under suspicion of violating DUI laws and that this testing must occur within three hours of the alleged offense. This period is critical as it seeks to measure the driver's blood alcohol concentration (BAC) or drug levels close to the time of the driving to ensure accuracy and relevance to the case.

Consequences for Refusal

But what happens if you refuse to take the chemical test? Virginia law, specifically § 18.2-268.3, outlines the penalties for such refusal.

For a first refusal, the law deems it a civil offense and results in the suspension of the driver's privilege to drive for one year—a penalty that runs in addition to any other suspension related to a DUI charge.

However, the situation becomes significantly more severe with a second refusal within ten years, especially if the individual has a prior DUI conviction or previous refusal. In this case, the refusal counts as a Class 1 misdemeanor. The penalties for this are a loss of driving privileges for three years from the judgment date, in addition to any suspension tied to a DUI charge.

Blood or Breath: Does It Matter?

The law makes no distinction between refusing a breath test and refusing a blood test—the penalties are the same. What constitutes an "unreasonable refusal" might vary depending on the circumstances. Still, generally, if the court believes no legitimate reason existed for the refusal, it will likely find it unjustified, and the driver will face penalties.

What to Do If You Are Arrested & Refuse a Chemical Test

Understanding your rights and obligations under implied consent laws is important. Whether you're a resident or a visitor, recognizing the seriousness of implied consent can help guide your decisions and actions if faced with a DUI arrest. However, what happens if you have already refused a chemical test? Do you have options?

If you find yourself facing a DUI charge or dealing with the implications of refusing a chemical test in Virginia, it is strongly recommended to seek legal advice from a qualified attorney, like ours, at The Law Offices of Daniel J. Miller. We can help you assess your case, including your refusal to take a chemical test and help you identify legal strategies moving forward.

If you're dealing with a DUI case that a chemical test refusal has complicated, don't hesitate to reach out to our law firm to discuss your case and explore your options.
