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How Can a Criminal Charge Impact My Driving Privileges?

The Right Attorney Makes All The Difference
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Violating Virginia state laws can have plenty of legal consequences, but in light of some of the more serious penalties, some defendants fail to realize they may lose their driving privileges. Depending on the crime in question, a person facing criminal charges could have their license suspended or revoked. Find out what could be at stake if you are facing criminal charges and discover the best ways to handle driving penalties.

Driver’s License Suspension

A suspension is a temporary revocation of driving privileges. There will be a designated suspension period, depending on the severity of the crime committed, and at the end of the suspension, you may pay the required fees to reinstate your license. In order to reinstate your license, you must show proof of U.S. citizenship or proof of legal authorization to reside in the U.S..

Driver’s License Revocation

If your driver’s license is revoked, it means you have lost the legal right to drive on a more permanent basis. You may re-apply for a driver’s license after the revocation period has ended. Obtaining a new driver’s license will likely include a road skills test, a driver’s knowledge exam, and a vision screening, as well as payment for any fees.

You may face license suspension or revocation for any number of driving offenses in Virginia, including:

  • Drug or alcohol DUI
  • Driving with a revoked or suspended license, especially for a DUI charge
  • Driving a vehicle without a court-ordered ignition interlock device when required
  • Falsifying a statement to the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV)
  • Failing to stop and respond at the scene of an accident where someone was hurt or killed
  • Committing vehicular manslaughter, whether voluntarily or involuntarily
  • Committing a felony involving a motor vehicle
  • Taking a driver’s license exam or renewing a license for another person
  • Eluding police
  • Committing a drug offense, whether or not a vehicle was involved

Driving privileges could also be affected by your driving behaviors. The court may revoke or suspend your license if you drive recklessly, drive without a valid license, drive under a suspended or revoked license, or refuse to take a blood or breath test when charged with DUI. You could also find your license suspended if you fail to pay for gas. Also, if you fail to pay court fines within 30 days of your traffic or criminal conviction, the court will suspend your license.

Your Next Move

The best thing you can do when facing the loss of your driving privileges is to follow the rules set by the court or the DMV and to contact your attorney. Failing to follow the rules of the court or Virginia’s DMV could result in stiffer punishments and lengthier suspensions. Do as instructed, and contact our offices immediately to speak with our lawyers and discuss your legal options. Our legal team will work diligently to defend your rights and protect your driver’s license.

If you are facing license revocation or suspension because of a criminal or traffic charge, we are here to help. We will use our ample resources to investigate the circumstance of your case to better build a solid defense. At The Law Offices of Daniel J. Miller, we are dedicated to providing aggressive, knowledgeable legal advice in Virginia Beach, VA that you can count on. Discuss your options with our legal team and figure out your next step towards securing your future.

Contact The Law Offices of Daniel J Miller for a free consultation.
